3 Steps to Revival

It’s always exciting to start a new project with a renewed mindset and new goals. Don’t you agree?
At the beginning of every new year, we have the opportunity to start again and thank God, whose mercies are new every morning, for the opportunity to lead us into the coming year with a renewed sense of who He has called us to be and what He has called us to do in the year ahead.
Fortunately for us, though, January 1st is not the only day of the year we can make a commitment to make a change in our own lives and in our community. January is no different than any other month on the calendar. We can be open to God’s Spirit speaking to our hearts and we can start in a new direction or initiate new goals any day of the year.
With that said, one of the things I believe God is calling me to do this year is to pray fervently for our nation.
Praying for revival

As Christians, prayer is our most important offensive weapon in changing our country, our states, and our communities.
I believe, now more than ever, we have the opportunity to create pockets of people in every state who will work tirelessly to mend broken hearts and broken lives and to bring broken cities back to God.
We can pray for families to be restored and churches to be full of people serving God and serving people.
What I propose we do is set aside 15 to 30 minutes each day, preferably in the morning, to pray collectively and individually for revival in our communities, in our churches, and in our schools.
During that time, we need to make a commitment to be open to ways we can be used to help our neighbors, our co-workers, and our family members. We need to make a commitment to be agents of change.
As Henry Blackaby has said,
“All revival begins, and continues, in the prayer meeting. In times of revival, thousands may be found on their knees for hours, lifting up their heartfelt cries, with thanksgiving, to heaven.”
-Henry Blackaby
Our Purpose

Why would we want to take on this commitment? Why would we want to be part of a daily prayer movement?
Understanding our why is easy when we look around us even briefly. Our country is moving away from the Judeo Christian beliefs that it was founded on.
Strife abounds on every corner. And, those things which
Children are not taught about Jesus in our schools or in our homes, Instead, they are taught to handle disagreements with violence and aggression. And, our children are not taught a sense of right and wrong but rather a sense of entitlement.
Even still, all is not lost. There are millions of Christians worldwide who have the love of God residing on the inside of them who are called to go into all the world and proclaim the good news to everyone.
And, as Christians, we have a responsibility to be change makers in our cities and towns.
Our daily prayer should be
Psalm 143:8
“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life.”
Psalm 143:8
What can we Do?

First of all, we need to pray, of course. But also, we will continue to remind each other that every job we hold, every committee we are on, and every sports team we participate on is an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God.
Every Christian is a minister of the Gospel. You may be a housewife, a plumber, an architect, a bakery owner, a carpenter or an office worker. You are where you are for a reason and that reason is to make a difference in someone else’s life.
In your pursuit to be a change maker, there will be roadblocks and distractions. It will be difficult at times to keep focused, But we have to be determined to not let the cares of this world distract us from praying for and creating change in our country.
We have to remember we are not battling flesh and blood. But instead, we are battling principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world.
As Christians, we are created for this hour. We are created to usher in a revival in the last days. God is not finished using us or this country. We are still the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20

Here’s where we begin.
—we only get credit for the plans we implement and follow through on, not the ones we merely think about.
And, we only succeed when we start and we follow through with the calling God has planted in our hearts.
This can be a year for you to pursue some big, hairy audacious goals and to become a changemaker where you are planted.
We need to take our possibility glasses off and shake off the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of making all things possible!
If you make a commitment to do your part to be part of a generation to turn the world upside down for God, I will make a commitment to pray for your success daily.
My plan is for us to get together as a group weekly either by Freeconferencecall.com or on Zoom to pray collectively as a group for our country and for the wisdom you need to be successful on your jobs, in your businesses and your neighborhoods.
Let me know how you think you can make a difference this year.
As a thank you, I will send you a prayer/goal sheet for you to fill out every day. I will also have other print outs to send to you to inspire you on your prayer journey.
We can be each other’s accountability partners for creating positive change.
Be sure to go to my sign up below.

Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow. ..

… I have one Amazon HD 8 Kindle Tablet to give away to use as a tool for you to receive emails and the online resources that I will send to you.
My plan is to give the Kindle away once we have 100 people committed to praying daily for our country,
Once we have our first 100 commitments, I will conduct a random drawing to give away the Kindle. I may continue to give away Kindles each time we add 100 people. We will see!
There may also be other giveaways which will include books and online resources, So encourage your friends to sign up.
I’ll be in touch soon!

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I love your commitment to prayer and seeking a revival in these days! Praise the Lord for the vision you have and may He see you through to reach your goal. I absolutely love the verse you referenced from Psalm 143. We entrust our lives to HIM! 🙂
Thank you. He is faithful to His Word to perform it!